Tower Crane Assembly Bulletin

In the wake of the devastating tower crane collapse in Kelowna, WorkSafe BC has released a safety bulletin. The bulletin outlines the safe procedures for a common way of assembling and dismantling tower cranes called “top climbing”.

Top climbing is hazardous work that must only be performed by qualified workers. These hazards were highlighted in July 2021 when a tower crane collapsed while being dismantled in Kelowna. Five people were killed, including four workers and a person unrelated to the construction site. Another worker was injured. The bulletin notes that failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions may result in a structural failure that puts lives and property at risk.  The bulletin provides an overview of what top climbing entails, the hazards, employer responsibilities, safe work practices, and legal and regulatory requirements.

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COVID-19 Resources

The following links contain recommended BC Crane Safety COVID-19 Safe Work Practices developed based on procedures developed by colleagues in sectors involved in crane operations. BC Crane Safety shares these practices for the benefit of employers, contractors and workers who use, erect, climb and disassemble all types of cranes. » Working When Physical Distancing is

New Guidelines for Annual Equipment Recertification in BC

Of interest to crane owners and operators is a new professional practice guideline for conducting annual equipment inspections and certifications that has been developed by Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia with the support of WorkSafeBC. The audience for the Guidelines include: engineering professionals, statutory decision makers, regulators, equipment owners, equipment operators, and other stakeholders involved

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