Mobile Crane Supervisor Certification

Crane Supervisor - Mobile Cranes

Training Course & Assessment of Competence Overview

A Crane Supervisor is competent in the selection, set-up oversight and lift plan generation for all types of mobile cranes from boom trucks to large lattice boom crawler cranes. (This course does not include supervision of tower crane and self erecting tower cranes.)

A Crane Supervisor is known in Europe as an Appointed Person or on the water as a Party Chief. In North America the term Lift Director is favoured as per OSHA regulations. In Canada both roles are applicable and so we have chosen the title Crane Supervisor.

Crane Supervisor is based on the ISO Standard number 23813 Cranes – Training of Appointed Persons, combining elements of the relevant CSA and ASME standards pertaining to mobile crane operation and supervision.


Four days. The first day is Fulford’s Rigging Fundamentals, and the remaining three days are the crane supervision content. 

Location & Cost:

We train at your site. The maximum class size is10 participants and the total cost is $14,600.


The course involves extensive practice assessments and real life examples which the participants are tested on throughout the course. Accordingly, those who successfully pass the course with 75% average on the cumulative assessments will receive a Mobile Crane Supervisor Certificate of Competence.

Who would benefit from this course:

Anyone involved in the supervision of mobile crane operations.

Increasingly in North American jurisdictions, as crane operations become more complex and more common on a wider variety of construction sites regulators are looking for more formal proof the designated individual has proof of training and competence in supervising crane operations. This course fits that need and was built at the request of clients who saw the need for their site supervisors to receive more formal knowledge in crane supervision and lift planning.


Course Outline

Day 1 - Rigging Fundamentals:

See the Rigging Fundamentals Course outline for more detail on the content of this day.


Day 2 - Roles & Responsibilities of the Crane Supervisor:

•  Titles and differences between jurisdictions

•  Operator qualifications and certifications by jurisdiction

•  Relevant regulations (ISO, CSA, ASME & ANSI)

•  Team Roles and Responsibilities

•  Crane Documentation

•  Operational Requirements

•  Lift Information and Lift Plans

•  Rigging overview for Lift Plans

•  Sequence of Operations

Day 3 - Load Charts & Load Chart Assessments:

•  Crane types and capabilities (Folding Boom, Stiff Boom, Mobile
     Hydraulic, Lattice Hydraulic)

•  Load Charts and Range Diagrams

•  Crane Set-up

•  Crane manuals and importance of finding referenced notes
     from the load charts

•  Practice Exercises – Lift Plans and Load Chart Reading

•  Load Chart and Rigging Assessments (for 8 classes of crane)

Day 4 - Lift Plans, Lift Execution & Rigging Inspection:

•  Lift plans and critical lifts

•  Rigging selection

•  Checklists and preparatory tools of the lift

•  Engineered lifts versus production lifts vs routine lifts

•  Rigging inspection requirements

•  Rigging Inspection records

•  Below the hook lifting devices

•  Loads and Load Characteristics supplemental

•  Continuing education and resources

Mobile Crane Supervisor Certification Quote Request

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